Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Reaching Our Target Audience

To reach our democratic target audience my group and I made a facebook and twitter page so that we could interact and communicate with our target audience. By doing this we were able to get across our ideas and also take into account our target audience's opinions on said ideas. Our target audience was our peer group, and due to the current fad with facebook and twitter we felt that this was the perfect way to reach our target audience and get feedback from them.

Another way we reached our target audience was we asked a random sample of our year group to watch More Than Conqueror's previous music videos and then explained our ideas to them. After we did this we asked them to fill out a questionnaire for us answering what they thought of our idea, what their views on the song were, and if they liked that genre of music. Once we received all the questionnaires back we got an idea of just who exactly our target audience were and how we would be able to reach them effectively.