Thursday, 18 April 2013

Sunny with a chance of riot

Due to working in a group we decided that we would make a joint blogger to write up all of the ideas, locations, filming schedules etc. so that they were kept together instead of being dispersed between each person's separate blogs. The blog we used was:

Due to editing take up a lot of time my group and I decided to make the conscious decision of splitting us into two. Half the group would focus on the editing of the music video, whilst the other half would deal with designing the digipack and writing up all of our progress on the blog. We would occasionally switch it around so that everyone equally contributed to each section of our coursework. We would all come together for filming, although there were certain occasions where certain members of the group couldn't film due to their jobs, however they never failed in making up for it in other areas at different times. We felt that splitting our group up was very effective and saved us a lot of time so that we weren't rushing to complete things last minute, therefore handing up amateur work.

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